17 Nisan 2016 Pazar


Healing with Bio-Energy, or Laying of Hands, has been around for thousands of years and is recognised around the world as a very successful treatment for many illnesses.
Thousands of years ago eastern Healers understood the fundamental part that energy played in our health and well being. They learned where the centres of our energy lay in the Human Body and how patterns of our energy flowed and how to channel and unlock those energy flows to help the body heal itself.



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Healing with Bio-Energy, or Laying of Hands, has been around for thousands of years and is recognised around the world as a very successful treatment for many illnesses.
Thousands of years ago eastern Healers understood the fundamental part that energy played in our health and well being. They learned where the centres of our energy lay in the Human Body and how patterns of our energy flowed and how to channel and unlock those energy flows to help the body heal itself.


Bio-Energy is not a new phenomenon. It has been the subject of serious study in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. The Chinese refer to this energy as "Chi" and they have formulated theories as to how exactly it circulates in the body. This circulation system is quite complicated, but the main energy flow is from the base of the spine to the top of the head, and vice versa. Contained in this two-way energy channel are seven major energy centres, which are in turn linked to fourteen energy gathering centres. Bio-Energy therapy acts on all of these energy centres.
The first reference to the life energy is in the Ching (The Book of Changes), introduced into China some time before 1122BC. The Ching discussed three types of energy in broad terms; cosmic energy, earth energy and human energy. The discovery that human energy was a mixture of both earth and cosmic energy led to the further discovery that there was a measurable relationship between the three types of energy and that it was possible for people to manipulate them.

Around 300BC it was known that people in China were using certain breathing techniques to control and manipulate these energies. Such energies were used at first to maintain health in the individual concerned, but a secondary benefit was found to be that illness could be cured in others. Both were done by changing the quantity and quality of the energy levels within the energy system.
Zdenko Domancic, a Croatian who developed Bio-Energy therapy in the West, became interested in this form of healing through his involvement with the Martial arts.
Within the last few years Bio-Energy has been spreading throughout Ireland, the UK  and Scotland, with the same incredible results.
Zedenko Domancic introduced Bio-Energy to Western Europe in the early 1970s. Extensive research has been done into all forms of Bio-Energy and related concepts through the centuries and intensive studies have been carried out. There is ample scientific evidence concerning the existence of an energy field contained within the human body and around it in the natural energy of the universe.
Many eminent scientists, biologists, doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists from many parts of the world have contributed to the research. The results of their studies have left us with a vast bank of background evidence as to the authenticity of the Chi Bio-Energy system of healing. It has been well documented internationally by such authors as Dr. Robert Becker, Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom and Professor Valerie Hunt of U.C.L.A


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