17 Nisan 2016 Pazar



...which Wieslaw Jaroslawski has mastered, is called pranic healing in Eastern countries. "Prana" means the energy responsible for life and health of human beings. The Greeks describe it with the word “Pneuma”, Polynesians use the term ”Mana”, the Chinese “Chi", the Japanese “Ki", and the Hebrews “Rauch” or breath of life.

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...which Wieslaw Jaroslawski has mastered, is called pranic healing in Eastern countries. "Prana" means the energy responsible for life and health of human beings. The Greeks describe it with the word “Pneuma”, Polynesians use the term ”Mana”, the Chinese “Chi", the Japanese “Ki", and the Hebrews “Rauch” or breath of life.

...were known to the oldest civilizations of the world. This is evident from Egyptian papyrus writings and from paintings on Greek vases. In the temple of Esculap, the priest placed hands on a person and said: I am healing you. The legendary doctor and philosopher Hypocrates believed in the existence of a mysterious power, which healed the body - he called it the healing power of nature. The genius mathematician Pythagoras had similar convictions. The ancient teachers and philosophers sensed and introduced into their fundamental theories the concept of an all-embracing power that encompassed all living organisms, giving them the capacity for efficient and healthy existence. The Egyptian priest Ophidian, who lived at the beginning of our era, also used touch and the placement of the handsfor healing. Energetic therapy was also used effectively by the Chinese, Hindu, Persians and Chaldeans.

This method of healing was also used by the first Christians and the placement of hands was described in the Bible.

...healing by touching with the fingers was a grace, a right, and at the same time a heavy duty of the kings. Monarchs often did mass healings often of several thousand people a day. The French kings were more diligent here because they walked up to the ill and touched the ailing parts of the body, the English kings, on the other hand, just sat comfortably on the throne and the subjects walked up in turn to the extended hands. There even was a certain specialization among them. The king of Hungary was especially successful in healing jaundice. The mentally ill went to the Spanish kings for help. The English kings were quite good at healing epileptics and paralytics, and the French placed hands on consumptives suffering from scrofula.

The Polish kings, busy with wars, politics and intrigues of the court groups were somewhat negligent in their healing duties. The chronicles note that only Jan Kazimierz practiced the custom of bestowing health on his subjects "right after Easter under the Wawel mount".

...the interest in energy methods of healing surfaced again. This was connected with the appearance of the known priest, exorcist and healer - Johan Joseph Gassner.

...Franz-Anton Mesmer, doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna, came forth with an original theory on the all-penetrating life magnetism. Forced to flee Austria, since 1778 he began to propagate his ideas in Paris. In his view, illness arose as a result of disturbance in distribution of a particular universal fluid described as magnetic. The master acted through direct manipulation - by touch, or indirect - by outlining with the hands, treating magnetic fluid as the only factor in relations between the healer and the healed. His theory was not accepted by the French Academy of Sciences, but the scholars could not negate that ”magnetic healing” caused the passing of “some thing” from the healer to the ill person, who suddenly was regaining equilibrium. Mesmer's experiments opened the way to development of bioenergy therapy.

...haveattempted to clarify thefunctioning mechanisms of biotherapy, many of whom also are Nobel Prize laureates. Let us take a closer look at results of studies conducted by persons open to any concepts, even those that at the beginning might seem a bit surprising.

...Emil du Bois-Reymond, a German doctor and zoologist, precursor of experimental electro-physiology and researcher of the nervous system, proved that our nerves are "powered" by electricity. Because of his interest in bioelectricity he studied electric fish.

...was first photographed by a Polish man named JakubJodkoNarkiewicz. The tests he conducted towards the end of the XIX century give the basis for calling him the originator of high-voltage photography. This method of photography made it possible to demonstrate the glowing halo that living organisms possess.By 1896, he had already demonstrated high-frequency photographs of plants, fingers and hands with the effect of a glowing halo visible around them.

...Professor Ludwig Boltzman, who died in 1906, was the originator of the kinetic theory for gases and the application of statistics in mathematics. He often underlined that in Nature there is nothing that is impossible, there may only be events that are improbable in the highest degree.

...that our compatriot Maria Sklodowska-Curie (who won the Nobel Prize twice) was also interested in the phenomenon of the body sending strange rays. She even took part in seances with the famous Neapolitan EusapiaPaladino, whose hands emitted particular luminous fluids.

...was made in 1923 by the Russian histologist A.G. Gurwicz. He demonstrated that plant and animal tissues, in which there is a quick division of cells,possess a source of invisible radiation. He also conducted tests confirming that exchange of information between cells is possible through radiation.

Gurwicz placed roots of a normal onion in narrow glass pipes. The distance between them was a few centimeters. Between the shoots he placed a glass or quartz plate and after a minute the roots were cut open and the nuclei of the divided cells were counted. Roots separated by a quartz plate influenced each other - the number of divided cells was the same in them. However, when the roots were separated by a glass plate this relationship did not occur.

The scientist decided to confirm this effect in further studies, in which he usedyeast and bacteria. Yeast cells (acting as an emitter) he placed in a flask, in a liquid, in the form of a suspension. Underneath it he placed a vessel containing a suspension of bacteria. Similarly, as in the experiment with the onion roots, yeast and bacteria were separated in turn by a layer of glass or quartz. The result was clear: when the bacteria were separated from the "Yeast emitter" by quartz, their number grew much faster, but when the separation was by glass, the growth was slower.

These experiments became the basis for the theory announced by Gurwicz that the so calledmitogenetic radiation occurs in nature. The radiation discovered in the experiment was called mitogenic because it seemed to have an influence on the division (mitosis) of cells. According to this scientist, living organisms have the capability of creating physical fields, which organize the life processes. There was one more irrefutable fact: this radiation had to be somehow related to ultraviolet light, which - as is well known - passes through quartz glass, but stops on normal glass.

...scientists studying mitogenetic radiation were however faced with an insolvable problem. They did not have then measuring instruments that were capable of measuring slight emissions of ultraviolet rays.

...Professor Hans Berger, , precursor of studies on electricity of the brain, discovered the electromagnetic character of brain waves and conducted their measurements. He also described the types of waves and rhythm in a properly functioning brain. Today, the encephalograph is a widely known instrument.

...or 43 years after the undervalued discovery made by JodkoNarkiewicz, SiemionDawidowiczKirlian, a Russian technician, again drew attention to the problem of high-voltage photography. He improved the method of registration of the electric impulses by using photographic materials, and this time an remarkablesensation among the scientific community was awakened.

After placing the object being photographed on a light-sensitive material and attaching a respectively high voltage and high frequency, corona discharges are fixed on the material at the edges of the photographed object. These create an aura that reflects the state of the living organism.

Representatives of conventional science attempt to declare that, in electro-photography on a photographic material, the corona discharges registered at the edges of the photographed object are those that are not related to the natural aura of the biological field of a living organism.

This is contradicted by the immensely interesting phenomenon of the “phantom effect". This occurs when a damaged living organism, such as a leaf with a torn off part, or a person whose limb was removed, are still seen on a Kirljan photograph as an undamaged unity. The outline of the aura around the already physically non-existent parts is still intact and visible quite well. This means that the biofield maintains complete information about an already incomplete living organism.

This observation refutes the idea of corona discharges at the edges of an object. In keeping with that theory, the broken-off part of the leaf or the amputated human limb ceases to be a part of the original organism and should produce on the photographic film its own independent image, but this is not the case.

Occurrence of an aura around a human body was then confirmed by scientific method. Some persons having a higher level of perception may be able to observe this radiation of the biofield. This capacity happens as a result of conscious extrasensory reception. WieslawJaroslawski is among just this type of extrasensors.

...a Hungarian biochemist Professor Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Noble laureate (for discovering Vitamin C, in 1937), presented the concept of a relationship between physiological processes and electron phenomena within particular cells, in tissue and the entire organism. The scientist also proposed the supposition that organic compounds have the properties of semiconductors - which was soon confirmed after precise studies of the properties of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA. The Professor also is the author of the statement: A live organism works on the basis of reactions, which statistically are improbable.

...by a team of scientists, from the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences in the Soviet Union, under the direction of Professor Wlail P. Kaznaczajew (S. Szczurin and L. Michailov also participated in these studies), made in the nineteen-sixties, later confirmed by a series of experiments in Moscow, was entered into the register of discoveries of the Russian Academy of Sciences under number 122, and in reality not fully appreciated by scientists.

This was the research plan: two colonies of bacteria in glass flasks stand next to each other, but without any direct relationship. One of them was infected with a virus. The attacked bacteria start to die-out - unexpectedly in the twin adjacent culture of bacteria identical symptoms arise. Thus, if there exists spontaneous influence between simple cells, would it not hold true that their more complicated units - tissues and organisms - can also influence each other?

Another research plan involves adjacent hearts of frogs, pulsating in one rhythm both connected to artificial culture medium - again without any direct relation. When a toxic compound was let into one of the hearts and it began to choke, the other one also showed a disturbance in the rhythm. This information was transferred at a distance! Thus the biological connection of organisms was confirmed and this at the cellular level. A cell influences another cell, an organ another organ, an organism another organism.

...David Cohen confirmed that the human brain produces a magnetic field. It forms as a result of "ion currents" that exist in the neurons, while nerve impulses flow. The instrument that detects this is the magneto-encephalograph, which illustrates electric activities of the brain by registering these magnetic fields, at a distance of several centimeters from the head. Cohen, in his experiments, used a copper inductive coil, now measuring instruments called SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interferential Devices) are used for this purpose. Their number in magneto-encephalographs approaches 300.

...of living organisms were also conducted by Doctor Pawe? Guljajew, at the Biocybernetics Laboratory by the Institute of Physiology at the University of Leningrad. Measurements were done there of a field called the electric aura. The electroaurograph developed by Guljajew registers at a distance the electromagnetic field of nerves.

...from Yale University created an electromagnetic theory of life. According to them life is supported by electromagnetic fields. They called these the L Fields (as l in "life").

Conducting research with electric fields, the presence of which they discovered in every form of life, they reached the conclusion, that these rule and steer millions of life forms, giving physical matter a certain structure. We are then electric creatures living in an electric world.

One of the first study objects was the salamander. It turned out that each of the adult organisms has its own electric field together with the positive and negative poles, which are located at opposite ends of the axis of the animal's body. This polarity is also demonstrated by younger animals and even by embryos and not fertilized egg cells. It was also determined that the embryo cells organized themselves in keeping with the template of the electric field, which existed even before the new animal began living.

Successive observations of various forms of life led researchers to the conclusion that changes in the L Field forecast appearance of an illness long before physical symptoms arise. This is understandable because the L Field comprises what we might call a non-physical template of the physical body (a living energy matrix), therefore all changes and damages arising in the body must first become apparent in the field, which is responsible for its organization.

It also became clear that in Nature there exists a life force which in the physical world takes on the form of an electromagnetic field.

The next step...

...was taken by Robert Frohlich in 1960. Based on premises of quantum physics, he stated that the living matrix must produce cohesive light. Today we know for certain that the living matrix sets the level of vibrations which further spreads in the organisms and radiates to the surroundings. These oscillations have various frequencies, including the visible ones or those at the fringes of visibility. These phenomena manifest themselves on a great scale.

Also a Canadian research group...

...at the University of Saskatchewan under the direction of Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Harold Kelm also conducted studies of the electric field of human organisms. The detector used by the scientists detected at a distance an electric aura and identified the psychophysical state of the person being studied. It was determined that in the person's electric aura there appear wave frequencies characteristic to specific states.

Radiation of the electric field that organizes the biological matter took on for good the term of aura, and science accepted this term when gaining conviction that this was not fiction. This field is dynamic in character. It pulsates in the rhythm of processes occurring in the biological body.

Currently it is considered...

...to be connected with the sphere of effect of the bio-plasma, i.e. the dynamic system of particles having an electric charge and which are affected by chemical reactions that create the metabolism of living organisms, but at the same time each living organism executes its life functions in the rhythm of changes occurring in the bio-plasmatic field. There is a mutual coupling between the biological body and the bio-plasma. A complicated network of connections of the bio-plasmatic field comprises a precisely organized, unified, and inseparable circulation system.

About a score of years ago...

...Professor Wlodzimierz Sedlak, a priest from the Catholic University in Lublin, announced a theory according to which each living organism is filled with bioplasma , the fifth state of matter, i.e. a mixture of ions and electrons that comprise the basis for all life processes. The Homo Electronicus does then exist. According to the Professor, bioplazma extends a bit beyond the body, creating around it an electrostasis, an aura that is not visible to the naked eye.

The Professor then views the living organism as a complicated, self-regulating electronic system. In a wide perspective, each molecule of our body, each cell, each system and finally the entire organism, they each have their bioelectric energy and all these energies work together in agreement.

Sedlak's hypothesis assumes that electromagnetic processes comprise, besides the biochemical processes, the second reality of a living organism. A characteristic trait of life is the capability of creating a biological field, but a structure deprived of this field is inanimate matter. If an energy disturbance occurs, sensed around the body of the ailing being, then physical and chemical changes follow.

Moreover, according to the Professor, also consciousness, the creation of which is one of the deepest mysteries tormenting humanity, is not a psychological phenomenon, but a biological one and has all the traits of electromagnetic energy. It is not a sensation (which could suggest sensory receptors), nor is it an internal factor with an undefined nature, but it is a fact of energy taken into consideration in the general construction and functionality of a living organism, therefore it exists from the beginning of life. Thus, since it comprises the fundamental element of human nature then, the entire human being also is electronic.

This is how Professor Sedlak defines the role of the biofield: It primarily fulfills the role of information within the living system, and at the same time, it is a factor of self-regulation of life processes.

If then this field is a factor organizing life processes, it becomes clear that changes occurring in it warn us about changes which follow in connection with this.

Sedlak's theory caused quite a storm in the scientific world; the argument against it was the lack of experimental confirmation. There were however evaluations, as for example that of Professor Aleksandrowicz in Krakow, who acknowledged the considerations proposed by the professor from the Catholic University in Lublin as a revolutionary hypothesis, connected with the essence of life, which begins with the motto: Man's greatest discovery probably is self-discovery.

Professor Sedlak's view...

...of the concept of consciousness was shared by the well known Australian neurophysiologist Dr. John Carew Eccles, professor at the University in Dunedin, New Zealand, the Australian National University in Canberra and the New York State University in Buffalo - laureate of the Nobel Prize in medicine. In his lecture given at the World Congress of Philosophy in Dusseldorf in 1978, Professor Eccles stated explicitly that consciousness should be treated as something autonomous, independent of the body and existing beyond the central nervous system. He supported his argumentation with results of numerous experiments, underlining that it is consciousness that influences the biological development of the brain, and not the opposite.

Consciousness also steers the functioning of the entire live organism using the bio-plasmatic field for this purpose, and today is beginning to be recognized as an essential factor of physical reality. This is at the same time a factor, which - using energy - shapes the surrounding reality. It is then difficult to doubt that consciousness is a very real phenomenon that may appear in direct action, and without taking it into consideration it is not possible to explain the nature of the Universe, matter, and many phenomena observed in our reality.

Research on the radiation of the life field...

...was also conducted by Professor Thelma Moss, Ph.D., and Ken Johnson, PhD., at the California University in Los Angeles. They demonstrated that while maintaining constant parameters in making photographs, noticeable changes in radiation strength of the bio-plasma are caused only by the photographed object.

The plasma of each of the photographed persons has its own, characteristic pattern, which changes depending on disposition and emotional state of the studied person. Also consumption of some foods, drinks or narcotics, and also different states of relaxation evoked essential changes in the image of the aura. Distinct differences in radiation strength were also caused by punctures done in the so called acupuncture points, while incidental punctures did not give a similar reaction.

The Moss-Johnson scientific team also demonstrated by experiment that the energy of the bio-plasmatic field may be transferred from one organism to another. Numerous photographs of the bio-field have proven that during a biotherapy session the radiation of the patient's bio-plasma was strengthened and the biotherapist's aura emission was dimmed.

It is also worth notIng the photographs...

...done by Dr. Eric Douglas Dean, from the Technical High School in Newark, New Jersey, that demonstrate clear change in the aura of the biotherapist's fingers during a conducted therapy. The photograph prior to initiation of treatment of a patient did not differ from thousands of others, however, during the session the finger tips were surrounded by a stiffly standing mass of violet threads with an additional luminous effect, in the form of orange fire reminiscent of a gas stove.

Also in the laboratory of the Moscow A.S. Popov Section of Bio-information...

...of the Soviet Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Technology and Electric Engineering, about two thousand such experiments were conducted. The physicist Dr. Lew Wienczunas used photographic film applied in atomic physics to make these photographs. The photographs had dark areas in shapes characteristic of a specific healer. These traces were registered even when the photographic film was screened by aluminum or copper plates. The phenomenon would cease when lead plates were used.

Other studies...

...conducted by Dr. Justa M. Smith, from Rosary Hill College in New York proved that healers are capable of selectively influence properties of enzymes, or particles of organic compounds that steer our physiology.

Each set of enzymes throughout the entire testing period was kept in tightly sealed containers. After action of the healer, who held in his hands one of the containers, concentrating on it for a period as long as he thought proper in order to attain the best positive effect, the container was given to the scientist who checked for changes in activeness of the enzymes. The experiment demonstrated without doubt that the healer always influenced properties of the enzyme particles in a way that was positive to human physiology.

Summarizing the results of her studies Dr. Smith stated that the human thought can steer healing treatment in a fantastically selective way in respect to particular processes occurring in the organism.

Similar results...

...were attained by Professor William G. Braud, Ph.D., from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Paolo Alto in California, who subjected to tests the influence of bioenergotherapy on the process of haemolysis. This phenomenon occurs as a result of swelling of red blood cells and the bursting cell walls cause the release of the haemoglobin.

Bioenergotherapeutic action demonstrated statistically very significant delay in the process of haemolysis.

It was also found...

...in numerous tests with animals (Professor Dr Bernard Grad from McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal, Kanada and Dr. V.I. Karczew from the Research Department of the National Center for Traditional Folk Medicine in Moscow) - here the subjects of the healer's actions were mice, injured in the laboratory or given lethal doses of radiation - that the rodents, on which the well known healers participating in the tests were concentrating, significantly quicker regained health than the control group, and those that were given preventive treatment before the radiation doses were applied had an almost 100% survival rate.


Already on the basis...

...of the results presented here, it may be stated that the patient's faith is not required for effective treatment through bioenergotherapy. There is no way that one might suspect animals of being susceptible to suggestions. Nonetheless, it was observed that positive and accepting attitude of the treated person usually multiplies the effect of the therapy. This means that at the moment of therapy session there occurs a kind of mutual coupling between the organism of the therapist and the patient which makes it easier to synchronize their biological fields, which quickens the positive effect of the treatment.

The attained results...

...also clearly demonstrated that in the process of bioenergotherapy it is possible to direct very precisely the influence of the bio-field, influencing even a single parameter of autonomic activities without influencing others, even though physiological processes in an organism are characterized by a high degree of mutual interdependence.

Today also is known...

...that each heart beat starts with an electric impulse in its muscle. It is then transmitted through the entire bloodstream and reaches each tissue in the body. Since the heart produces electricity, magnetism must also form. It is an unusual fact that the biomagnetic field of the heart extends almost into infinity. These fields may be measured since the 1970-ies, with the use of the SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) - one of the most sensitive instruments for measuring the biomagnetic field of various organs.

One of the most prominent Polish neurophysicists...

...Professor W. Romanowski, wrote over thirty years ago: This biological field, enriched with ever newer processes, models also on the principle of feed-back the biochemical systems and neurophysiological processes of the nerve cell. One may risk the assumption that it is this field that is the biological substrate of psychic life.

Must we continue to argue that in the face of these findings it is possible to exert an influence on a human being at the energy level?

Confirmation also comes from studies...

...currently conducted by scientists who analyze the subtle energies emitted by the human organism. Among them is Dr Fritz Albert Popp from the International Institute of Biophysics in Kaiserslautern. He has gathered at his center a team of physicists, chemists and biologists involved in studies on biophotons, which have demonstrated that live organisms emit photons (light particles). This has confirmed the mitogenetic radiation hypothesis put forth by Gurwicz in 1920-ies.

As it turned out, this very difficult to register radiation manages cell growth, regulates the process of dying and generation of new cells, and also steers other life processes of biological organisms. It is described by the term of ultra-weak.

If cells communicate with each other via quanta of light, disturbance in this communication must have an influence on development of organisms, and also on their death. Professor Fritz A. Popp, in his book titled ,,Biology of light", writes: Normal, live cells emit a uniform stream of photons. This stream changes suddenly when a cell is penetrated by a virus - explosion of radiation - silence - new explosion - slow decline of radiation, in several waves, up to the death of the cell. This is almost like howls of a dying animal.

According to Popp, photons are the basis of life, where life is defined here as the capacity for communication, creation and use of information bases.

Experiments conducted at the International Institute of Biophysics with well known extrasensors, whose energy influence was registered physically, also through EEG spectral analysis, have confirmed their capability of forwarding healing energy. This emission most clearly allows modification of the biological field of another live organism in accordance with the transferred information, and thereby to positively influence the state of its health.


...certainly is not a hoax, miracle, or an effect of evil powers. It uses entirely natural physical phenomena, proper to living organisms. It also comprises irrefutable proof that existence does not determine consciousness, as the conservative version of materialism puts it. It is just the opposite: consciousness determines existence. And if that is so, it can become involved in life processes during healing action because it is consciousness that sets the goal and identifies unmistakably the means of its attainment.

Energy therapies..

...are effective because they transfer information directly to cells. The healing energy emitted by Wieslaw Jaroslawski's hands is characterized by a specific frequency or set of frequencies which stimulate regeneration of one or more tissues - quicken the healing of wounds, regulate the nervous system, reduce pain and make it easier to return to full efficiency in many other ailments.

Due to actions of the biotherapist some sort of specific cell activity comes about and channels are opened through which the natural biological communication goes on. The basis of health always is the unhampered flow of communication through tissues.

The energy waves flowing from the hands of the healer move to each part of the organism. In this way they regulate activeness of the nervous system in the entire body.

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